As you know, we have been working on our guest room for a llloooonnngggg time. There really is no good excuse for why it took so long. It just wasn't fun to work on. Projects always seem fun and exciting before you start them, halfway through you are starting to get bored, but still excited for the finished project. With the guest room we got about 3/4s the way done and we were just sick of there it sat.
Finally, I was bored enough yesterday that I finished painting and then when Steve got home from school at 8pm...sad :( we hung the curtain rods.
So as some of you know curtains and curtain rods are stinkin expensive! At least I think so. 50 bucks for a pole seems a little steep to me. The bargain hunter in me looked everywhere hoping to find something better....and of course I did :)
We found raw wood curtain rods and holders at hobby lobby. This was perfect because the other rods we have in our house are a dark wood, I also had just recently purchased a dark stain for another project. AND bonus...the girl at Hobby Lobby gave us 30% off!

Looking good!
Final Product:

We were quite pleased with the results and it cost about half as much!
A few pictures of Hudson...he by the way, is the STAR of puppy school. What proud parents we are :) He is such a fast learner, it is amazing to see how quickly he picks up on tricks...Here are a few we have learned so far.
High Five:

Slam Dunk:

(Sorry I couldn't get the angle right for self with it.)
He also knows sit, down, crawl, and we are working on rollover and play dead or (BANG!)
Last...When Steve left for school this morning Hudson and I decided to keep snoozing. After dozing in and out for a bit I rolled over to find the dog sleeping like this....

What a gentleman! Ha...