Friday, October 14, 2011

Hello Fall...and Leaves!

What a busy week it has been!
-Steve has been working his tail off finishing a few huge papers for school (btw papers are not called papers in law school...but I can't think of what they are called)
-Most nights he only got a couple hours of sleep...last night, none! So thankful I am not the one in law school!
-I worked 3 days this week and am looking forward to working my first weekend tomorrow and Sunday...not
-Steve's parents and Uncle Tim were in town for CEA convention and were able to stay with us. Unfortunately, we were not able to hang out with them much due to work and homework...

We were completely spoiled because dad Krommendyk wanted to do yard work for us! Yippee! There are leaves everywhere here and he spent a decent part of his morning reigning them in.
This is a picture of the backyard....the front yard look identical!
...and WaLa! The front yard was raked and the flower beds cleaned out. Unfortunately for is still raining leaves!
Remember the picture I posted last week of our blue house with the beautiful yellow tree...not sure if it was worth the tradeoff. The tree looked amazing for about a week and now we have to clean up after it for a month...

Looking for a good easy dinner idea??I have the perfect one....and it is not super unhealthy. Go Me! Steve claims it is the best meal I have made so far :)
Here is the link!
Easy Chicken Cordon Bleu
I only changed one thing. The sauce calls for Dijon Mustard...My cheap side came out and I refused to buy a whole thing of $3 mustard when I only needed one tablespoon of it. Good news, I think the sauce tasted fabulous without it.
I figured I would take a picture of the dish I served. Note, I am not a photographer and cannot make food look appealing through pictures! So you are just going to have to trust me and make it yourself!

I also wanted to share with you our latest project and as with every project...we learn a lesson!
Last week I showed you our guest room and the new green paint. We thought it looked a ton better, but knew we still had to paint the ceiling to make it complete. Note to Everyone: when painting a room, the first thing you paint is the ceiling! Do the ceiling first and then the walls. #1 painting the ceiling is just awkward and tiring. #2 there is no good way to cut into the corners when you are craning your neck. #3 when using a roller, there is no easy way to cover the ceiling without hitting the sides and getting ceiling paint all over your beautifully painted walls. Last thing we the pink ceiling paint that turns white makes the job a lot easier!
Pink Paint going up! Covering up the yellow...
The ceiling looks clean and white...unfortunately we now need to go back in and edge with green...maybe Steve will surprise me this weekend and paint it while I am at work :)....I sure hope he reads this post! haha

Okay, okay I know this is getting long but I wanted to show a few pictures of Kirby...We had Kirbs for fourteen and a half years. He had been through a lot to say the least. Early on in life he got hit with a golf club in the eye (not by us), he was run over by our go-kart (not by me), and many other less severe incidents...He was a great dog to grow up with and was very entertaining. We love and miss you Kirbs!
My last picture with Kirby on Sunday afternoon

Finally, a picture of all three of my dogs! Of course there was no possible way to make sure they all looked nice. I was just happy to have all three in the same spot for long enough to capture a picture :)

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