Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Night Owl

Tonight is a BIG night for me. It is my first ever night shift. Tonight will also be my first time ever pulling an "All Nighter." I have to admit I am terrified for it! I am not a night person at all! I go to bed around 10 or 10:30 every night how am I supposed to stay up until 8am the next day?? I mean it would be one thing if it was an 8 hour problem. 8 hours is not so long, but 12!? 12 which ends up being at least 13?!?! Oh my, I am giving myself anxiety just talking about it...ughh... Oh well, it is time to put my big girl pants on and suck it up and do it. But do I have to??
I suppose it is part of being a mature grown up, but it seems so cruel to make someone stay up from 7pm to 8 or 8:30am...I mean, how am I supposed to be normal?? My schedule will be completely opposite of the real world...eeek! Okay enough of this...I WILL BE FINE!!! (I keep telling myself that...although it is not helping)

Back to the positives of being a nurse. I have not worked since last Friday...that is like 5 days off in a row...and that will be normal for me! Crazy :)
So, on those days off I try to keep myself busy playing with the dog, going on walks, doing laundry, going to the grocery store and many other very thrilling things ;) I am sad to see our beautiful weather slipping away. It is not as much fun taking Hudson for a walk when I can see my breath and my fingers are numb...he seems to enjoy it no matter the weather. Go figure!

I also wanted to share a yummy recipe with you all...have I mentioned before that I LOVE pinterest! I love when I find easy recipes and feel like I hit the jackpot when I already have the ingredients in the house...this recipe was most definitely a JACKPOT!

It is called: Crispy Cheddar Chicken
(if you click on the name it will send you to the original blog with recipe)
Again not the best picture...but so delicious! All you need is chicken, cheese, and ritz crackers (although any sort of cracker would probably taste delicious)

Time for this girl to take a nap! Hope everyone has a wonderful day...think about me tonight as you are warm and cozy in your bed!

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